Industry Information

What do the L and N marked on the back of the socket mean


L represents the line of fire. N represents the zero line.

 1. Most of the power sockets we use are single-phase three-wire sockets or single-phase two-wire sockets. In the single-phase three-wire socket, the middle is the ground wire, which is also used for positioning, and the other two ends are respectively connected to the live wire and the neutral wire. The wiring sequence is left and zero, right and right, that is, the left is the neutral wire.

 2. The three plugs are arranged in a positive three-solution shape, and the longest and thickest copper plug on the top is the ground wire. The ground wire is short-circuited to the earth through the deeply buried electrode.

 3. The transmission of the mains power is in a three-phase way, and there is a neutral wire. When the three-phase is balanced, the current of the neutral wire is zero, commonly known as the "zero wire". Another feature of the neutral wire is that it is in the system with the ground wire. The total power distribution input is short-circuited, and the voltage difference is close to zero.