Industry Information

What are the dangers when using the power adapter


At present, the power adapter is an indispensable accessory equipment for electronic products in our lives, but there may be some dangers in the process of using the power adapter, so how do we use it correctly?


First: Inferior power adapter is easy to cause fire


In addition to the low-quality power supply produced by the manufacturer, improper use by users is also the most direct cause of fire, because most of the low-quality power adapters are unreasonable in the design scheme. In the specific production process, it is also cutting corners, and the finished products do not meet the national standards, but the basic functions and safety are still guaranteed.


Second: Dry connection of the power adapter causes excessive heat


The power adapter must be an active circuit, which completes the conversion of electrical energy, such as step-down or rectification. This part of the circuit will generate a certain load, and in many inferior power adapter circuits, manufacturers have not added high temperature countermeasures to prevent the continuous operation of the load. In this way, the power adapter will actually generate heat when it is actually connected to the power source, but it is not charged. When the heat reaches a certain level, it will cause damage to the internal circuit, and many such damages are also accompanied by short circuits. The occurrence of this short-circuit phenomenon is very harmful to the circuit in your own room. If there is no fuse or air brake, the possibility of fire is very high.


Third: Overcharge causes the battery to burst and explode


Overcharging will also cause the power adapter to generate huge heat. The consequences have been explained above, but at the same time it should be known that this kind of excessive charging is also a kind of damage to the battery. If the charging time is too long, the battery may explode. Most of the current batteries use inert lithium to maintain power supply. Once burned, this lithium element will be activated, and then rapidly oxidized in the air and generates heat. Cause a fire.